October 4, 2011

September 26, 2011

What a week its been!!! Last Monday, we hard our interviews with President Peterson. We had a very good, spiritual conversation about the Atonement, and our work here in Esquel. He asked me the question, How many are you going to baptize here, Elder? I told him: At least 4... He then told me... Elder Cuthbert, there is someone in Esquel ready to be baptized this Sunday. (WHAT???!!!) Thats what was going on in my head when he told me that. We spoke more about it, and he encouraged me and E. Sharp to take the matter up to fasting and prayer... Later that day, we went on Divisions with the Assistants. Remember E. Smoot? The most STUDLY, spiritual missionary ever. Kind of like an Hmo. Maxwell or Douglas... ;) Ha! Well, we went to a families house of investigators and had a very good chat with Cecilia, the mother. It was a very spiritual conversation, focused on the Atonement and Baptism. We placed a baptismal date for the next Sunday! It was incredible. From that point on, E. Sharp and I have had some extremely crazy blessings... Right now we have 9 baptismal dates... Thats 9 people that have baptisms planned before the 17th of October! We began working more with Cecilia last week, only to find out that the sister missionaries before us... Had never taught her or the family the Law of Chastity, Tithing, or the Word of Wisdom!! Surprise!!! :/ Her husband also left for the mountains with the army for a week, and she didnt want to be baptized without him there to see it. A lot of prayer and fasting over the situation, we decided that she should be put back to the 8th of October so that her two sons could be baptized with her. At church yesterday, we had a Gospel Principles class with her, a recent convert who has been fellowshipping Cecilia, and us two Elders. We spoke about Heavenly Father, who he is, and what he wants for us. It was a good lesson, and at the end, we asked if Cecilia could say the closing prayer. She began the prayer, normal but halfway through, began crying... She choked through tears while she pleaded to her Heavenly Father to bless us, the missionaries, for helping her get to church, to know that this is the true church, and to help her get to a baptism! She poured out her whole soul in that prayer! When she ended it, the Spirit was so strong. The recent convert was in tears, Cecilia was in tears, and I was about ready to jump out the window with all the happiness that a missionary can feel! I then testified about baptism, and that the church was true. We then asked if she would be baptized on the 8th. She said: Sí!!! YES!!! WAHOO!!!! She is an incredible person, and her family will make incredible members of the church. 

General Conference is this weekend!!!! WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!! Its hard to think that its already been 6 months since the last one in the MTC! WOW! Anyway, I cant wait, and none of you should be able to wait, either! We get to hear the words of God through our Prophet. What a priviledge it is that we have. I was going to make scones and honeybutter for the Sunday session, but everyone here makes scones and gives them to us, so Im sick of them! We are going to make Cinnamon rolls instead... ;) ;) 

I love you all. My testimony is stronger than ever. 

E. Cuthbert  

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