November 8, 2011

November 7, 2011

This week was VERY good here in San Martin. I love this place, and never stop to appreciate its beauty. This last week, we baptized Roberto and Matius Gori, Father and Son. It was such a special experience. I loved it!!! It marked 3 weeks since Matius had met us. I have been so blessed... I don´t understand why my Heavenly Father lets me have all of this success. I could be so much better. My potential is so much more... But more on that later. This week has been very interesting. Every morning is a P90X workout, so I´m always up and sweating, ready to go. Haha. Studying has been very good, too. I decided to read the BoM for the 3rd time so far on the mission, but in Spanish this time. I had tried right when I got to Esquel, but my comprehension was so little that I decided to wait till I understood more. I now understand everything, and it´s incredible!! I need to read the BoM so much more... The lessons, verses, POWER that are in its pages is incredible. I know that book comes from God. On Thursday we traveled on a 4 hour bus ride to Zapala for Zone Conference. The movie Battle: Los Angeles was playing. Our president lets us watch movies on bus trips because it would be impossible to watch us all on bus trips... So we all had a fun time watching it. But I have to admit, I felt guilty inside for watching a movie. Zone Conference was incredible. We spoke mainly on Repentance, and the wonderful gift it is. Focusing mostly on the talk D. Todd Christofferson gave during Gen. Conf., we learned a lot on how to best help our investigators repent. On the return journey Friday night, we watched a different movie, and at the end of the trip, I was sick of it. I said a prayer during Sacrament meeting, repented of watching the movies, and covenanted with my Lord and Savior that I will not watch another movie, no matter the movie, for the rest of my mission. This is not a mission rule, this is MY rule. In the MTC I learned a lot about Sacrifice from my teacher Hmo. Maxwell. Heavenly Father will bless us even more when we sacrifice even more. This is what I want. I have thought of some other things that I can take out of my missionary life that prohibit me from becoming the best I can be. During Zone Conference, E. Smoot and I were talking about it and he said, This is you... (pointing at the bottom of the floor) And this is what you, me, every missionary can be...(Pointed to the ceiling) He wasn´t saying I was dirt, or anything, But a good example of the amount of potential we have as Sons and Daughters of God is incredible... Also a little scary. Am I ready to take on the responsibility and be a real Soldier of my Heavenly Father? I´ve done well so far, but do I have what it takes to take it farther? Go all the way? Become a Dedicated, Sanctified, Consecrated servant of God? Good question... I hope so. I start now. I have been very successful as a missionary so far, but I have also lacked in many, many ways. I need to repent, I need to change. I want to be a scriptorian when I get back. I want to know that Book of Mormon backwards. So many things I want as a missionary... So little time to do them.

Anyway, we had the baptism, and it was AWESOME!!! Roberto was baptized first by E. Calvache. You´ll see in the pictures next week how big Roberto is compared to E. Calvache, he had to baptize him 4 times to get it right!!! I had to come in on the fourth and push Roberto down into the water with Calvache, HA!! Then I baptized Matius, my 15 yr. old STUD!!! I´m getting that boy on his mission!!! Roberto has a girlfriend in the branch, I´m going to get them married in the temple! (If it´s what they want)

I thought you might want to know that while you were sailing on a cruise ship... I too, was sailing on a boat!!! Ha, this Pday, we got permission from Pres. Peterson to get on a ferry on Lake Lacros and go to Quila Quina... The MOST GORGEOUS PLACE ON EARTH!!! I´ll have pictures next week, but MAN! It was incredible... The lake is beautiful, and the views from the beach were incredible. I was sent to paradise. It makes it even better to be able to preach the gospel here.

Well, I have to go. Got some work to do!!! I love you, Mom! Have a great week, and I will talk to you all next week! Oh, THANK YOU AUBREY, GMA, KATHERINE and MELYN for writing me!! It´s been awhile without a letter, Haha! Aubs, he has a Yamaha R6??!! That´s what I wanted!!

I have a testimony that this is the true church. I know it. The Book of Mormon is true, SO TRUE.

E. Cuthbert

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