April 13, 2011

April 8, 2011

Hola mi familia y amigos!!
Man, I'm tired... Fell asleep a couple times at the temple today. Ha, I've been working extremely hard this past week, and we wake up at 5:30 to get to the temple. There's never enough time to sleep. Every day I feel like I'm losing more and more, but I don't want to take a nap, because that mean's I'm losing extra study time! Anyways, had a great time at the temple today, food was as good as always. I got a TON of whipped cream on my waffle, along with omelet, bacon, quiche, chocolate milk, and water. Mmm.
Wow, a ton of stuff has happened this week. I'll start off w/ last Pday I guess... Last PDay during my personal time I decided to study leadership. I'm in Mosiah right now, and at the time I was reading Chap. 2 of Mosiah. GREAT chapter. Holy cow, I learned more about leadership in that one chapter than I have almost anywhere... For one... Go and see how many times the word "serve" or "service" is written. I think King Benjamin is trying to tell us something... ;) I spent 1 hour and 45 minutes on that scripture chase and study. It was great.
So Gen. Conf. was SOO good!!! Oh my heck, you guys! I loved every talk (although the marriage ones were getting a little boring. There were three of them.) Ha, during the marriage talks, Elder G. and I would just tilt our heads back, shake them and then listen.. as best we could. Ha, marriage is such a good thing to talk about, and it made me think about a lot of things, but I'm here to serve a mission!! Hahaha. So that was interesting. Can I just say the Church is true? Man, I know it. I had been praying for the past 2 weeks on how to know how to receive revelation, feel the Holy Ghost more, and have my teaching guided by the Holy Ghost. Is it just a coincidence that EVERY single one of my questions I prayed about was answered in FULL DETAIL in one or several of the talks?? I think not. I learned so very much this Gen. Conf. It's such a good thing they make us sit in uncomfortable chairs so we stay awake. If I hadn't have stayed awake, I would have missed out on a lot of things pertaining directly to me. One other thing that was mentioned was the fact that we shouldn't discredit all of the little experiences we've had in feeling the Holy Ghost and knowing the church is true. That's something I questioned during the last few weeks here at the MTC, was How strong is my testimony, really? How do i REALLY know that what I'm teaching constantly is true? I was told during Pres. Uchtdorf's talk that I don't need an angel to come down, I don't need some dramatic experience to get me on my feet and proclaim the Gospel is true. Little by little, line upon line, precept upon precept, the feelings of a testimony and the HG will testify to me that what I'm doing is true, and that my testimony does indeed grow through these little experiences. I'm confident in my testimony that I know the Church is true.
So GC was incredibly good. Wow, if you didn't listen to every talk, go to the church website and listen to them... They can all help us out incredibly.
So you know how I said Elder G. was leaving like... 3 weeks ago? Well, he actually had to stay because of some health issues. He left Saturday night to go on his mission. He called the ones who he loved most into his room to talk to us. I was very humbled and gratified to be one of those people. He gave us the  most powerful testimony I've ever heard... There are so many things I wish to talk about, if only I had the time to say them... All in all, he said to not waste time. To WORK. That the Savior loves me, to not have any regrets. All my track buddies, if you're reading this will know that this also comes from Coach Wyatt... No regrets. Afterwards, I waited till everyone was out of the room, and then I went up to him, clasped my hands on his shoulders, looked him directly in the eyes and said: We ARE Helaman's Stripling Warriors. We are on the battlefield, side by side. I wouldn't pick anyone else to fight on my side but you, Elder G. Never forget that. We WILL win this battle, this war. Don't you DARE give up. If you do, you'll be leaving me alone which I can't do.    I'm going to miss Elder G. the most. I hope the pictures were put up on the blog by now.. He's the short, stubby, amazing Tongan. Hahaha! Just kidding, he's not stubby, the kid's a stud. Love him to death.
Espanol is coming along well now. All lessons are completely spoken in our mission language, and Elder W. and I wouldn't have it any other way. We were supposed to give a lesson in English last week, but when we tried.. It just didn't work - So we went back to Spanish. How's that for over-achieving?? Haha!
Want to know how the BOM is true? Look up Acts 7 & 2 Nephi... (1?) The chap. in Nephi about Joseph in Egypt. Anyway, I want you to tell me why it's so significant. Look at Moses, and what he does, particularly when he talks about killing the Egyptian overseer who was beating the Hebrew. If you can't figure it out, write me, and I'll tell you. :) It's incredible. Joseph Smith couldn't made this up, or caught this. It's incredibly significant.
So on Wednesday Elder W. and I were at the TRC for our teaching appointment, and we had the opportunity to teach a FAMILY about the first lesson in Spanish. It was SUCH a cool experience! I love teaching families! It's so much easier, I think. Anyway, the Espanol flowed, and we had a lot of fun.  Thank you so much for the package mom!! It meant a lot! And all the mailing supplies... You're an angel! Haha! Oh, regarding the backpack... Ha, you were right... I don't like 'em. I've realized at how extremely picky I am, and it's not good! BUT, I've been seeing a lot of good Dakine (particularly the APEX, I think it's called. It's a lot sportier looking) and Old North Face. Take your time, I just need one before I leave the MTC, which is in 3 weeeeeeeks!!!!! Haha! Fun, Fun, Fun!! I'm so excited to get our of here, but I'm spending my time wisely, I promise! I've learned so much this week about teaching with power and the Spirit. Everything needs to be through the Spirit, w/out him, we can't teach.
How is everyone at home? I'm so thankful for the people who send me letters and packages, I feel so much love. :) Thanks to all of you for your continued support and kindness. I wouldn't be able to do this w/out the help you guys give. I feel like I'm forgetting something... Ha, dang it. I hate that. I always feel like I have so much to say, and when I get here... Everything just leaves my mind! It's driving me insane! Oh, had a 30 min. conversation w/ a couple guys in the zone about TopGear... Hahah!!! Dani, Chris... You guys know what I'm talking about! It was very fun to talk about it.
I go to bed exhausted, every night. My body, mind and spirit is always so drained... This work is exhausting, but it's worth it, I know that. I love this Gospel, and I continue to strive to become better every day. I love all of you, and pray for you all every single night and morning. I hope you can feel that. Send me a letter - tell me how you're doing. Have a question about something? Ask me, I will do my best to help and answer. I'm here for you all, because I love you.
Well I've got thirty seconds on the clock... I hope I haven't forgotten anything!!!
Les Amo!!!!!
Elder Cuthbert

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